Friday, October 25, 2013

Pasta with Vodka and Tomato Cream Sauce

I did it! I conquered the dreaded vodka sauce! Yes... it was only a few days ago I had attempted this recipe and had a horrible experience. Yes... I was nervous and I'm pretty sure my boyfriend was too when he heard what was for dinner. And YES... it was delicious this go around!!!

There were a few key differences on this attempt. The first one was making the recipe for two people with a bit leftover, not enough for a small army. Also, adding a protein on the side to break up the heavy feel of a full plate of pasta. And, the biggest difference... not using a whole cup of vodka!

I was very happy with this recipe and my boyfriend was too. Let me just say that there might not be anything quite as satisfying as a conquering something that once defeated you... well, maybe not... this meal was pretty darn satisfying too!


1 Tbsp. olive oil
1/2 Tbsp. butter
1/2 medium onion finely chopped
1 14.5 oz can Italian diced tomatoes
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 Tbps. vodka
1/8 to 1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes
1/2 lb. pasta
parmesan cheese

First heat the olive oil and melt the butter over medium heat in a large skillet. Once warm add the chopped onion and cook until they are translucent, about 5-6 minutes.

Add the can of Italian diced tomatoes. Stir to combine and let cook over medium for about 20 minutes, until the liquid has cooked down to a little less than half. This is also a good point to cook your pasta, because after the tomatoes cook down you only will be at the stove a few more minutes!

Once the tomato sauce has reduced add the 1/2 cup of cream, 2 Tbsp. of vodka and a generous sprinkling of red pepper flakes. Stir and turn up heat to medium high. Bring to a soft boil and let the sauce cook about 2 minutes to thicken up. Then add the cooked, drained pasta and mix together to coat the pasta.

Plate the pasta and sprinkle on the parmesan cheese. Enjoy on its own... or if you would like to add a little protein I would recommend a few nice slices of chicken breast that were seasoned with Italian seasoning, salt, pepper and a little olive oil then cooked for 20 minutes in a 425 degree oven, flipping half way through.

Serve with a nice side salad and garlic bread! Delicious!

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